nyc motorcycle accident

NYC Motorcycle Law

Have you been hurt in a motorcycle accident in New York, or has a family member been hurt because of a motorcycle crash? Our law firm can assist you in many ways regarding these types of accidents.

When you’re in a motorcycle crash in New York City and have significant injuries which resulted in high medical bills, you might be pondering over filing a claim against anyone to recover financial compensation.

Because of insurance regulations and other circumstances, this is not easy in New York. It is very hard to collect compensation or even comprehend where to turn to after a motorcycle crash.

Our firm has lots of expertise in aiding hurt motorcyclists in locating the responsible party and fighting for financial restitution. This includes your medical bills (past, present, and future), lost time and income from work, as well as your pain and suffering from being hurt in the motorcycle accident in the first place.

So, can we help you? What are your chances of compensation? And what are the common types of injuries following a Motorcycle Accident in NY? Continue to read for those answers.

Information Regarding Motorcycle Accidents in the NY

The current motorcycle crash ratio in NY has become 89 deaths per 100,000 motorcyclists, and the mortality rate for motorcycle crashes in New York City has doubled to that of the rest of the country. There were 273 motorcycling crashes in NYC in June 2020.

There were 50 motorcycle crashes in the Bronx, 83 motorcycle crashes in Brooklyn, 60 in Manhattan, and 68 in Queens. Having only 12 motorcycle crashes registered in the borough that month, Staten Island seemed to have a minor proportion of motorcycle crashes.

Leading Causes of Motorcycle Accidents in New York

Despite popular belief, not all motorcycle accidents in NYC are initiated by motorcyclists. Motorcyclists, irrespective of how diligent they are, make it extremely difficult for other drivers to see them on the roadways

The following are among the most likely reasons for motorcycle crashes in New York City:

  • Motorcycle defects
  • Tailgating
  • Road hazards
  • Left-turn accidents
  • Unsafe turns
  • Traffic violations
  • Drunk or drugged driving
  • Speeding and driver aggression
  • Unsafe lane changes
  • Distracted driving

It’s crucial to figure out what could have caused your accident. It lays the groundwork for you to consider whether somebody else is legally liable for your injuries.

Motorcycle accident attorneys in New York have the skills and expertise to determine the cause of the incident and determine who could be found financially liable. Some motorcyclists are under the misconception that if they caused part of the accident they cannot recover, that is not the case. This is a big reason why you should always contact a skilled motorcycle accident lawyer in New York regarding your accident.

What are the Most Common Injuries in Motorcycle Accidents in New York City?

While the circumstances of the accident determine the severity of each injury, specific injuries are more prevalent than others in motorcycle accidents. These are some of them:

  • Leg Injuries – Injury problems to the pelvis, thighs, and toes are frequent in motorcycle accidents. These could happen instantly when the collision occurs or shortly thereafter, particularly when a motorcyclist is thrown off the motorcycle. Physical therapy and surgery may be needed to recuperate from broken bones, muscle injuries, and other types of traumas.
  • Arm Injuries – Whenever a motorcycle rider is thrown off his or her motorcycle, their shoulders and arms bear the bulk of the impact. Some motorcyclists try to brace themselves for impact on their arms after the accident, resulting in fractured bones, organ damage, and other wounds requiring long-term treatment and rehab.
  • Head Injuries – Despite several bikers wearing protective gear to safeguard their skulls and face, head trauma frequently still occurs. Such injuries are frequently deadly. Some result in sensory impairments, brain injury, and time in a coma. In a motorbike crash, wearing a helmet is often the best option for minimizing potential brain injuries.
  • Spinal Cord Injuries Injury to the spine can have far-reaching, life-altering implications. A biker may experience persistent back or neck discomfort, half or full-body immobility, or death based on the areas of the injuries. A motorcycle rider’s spine has little safety, which makes severe injuries all too prevalent.
  • Degloving – Degloving is an ailment where a substantial portion of the flesh is separated from the tissues underneath it, despite the relatively innocuous name. A wound of this nature might be deadly or necessitate immediate and quite invasive medical intervention. In some instances, skin grafts are needed, and surgery is required. Long-term physical treatment is nearly always recommended.
  • Road Rash – Road rash can cause excruciating pain and require prolonged treatment. Although, thankfully most of the time it is not as dangerous as a spine or head fracture. Whenever a motorcyclist is thrown off a motorcycle, the road scrapes away at their skin, inflicting wounds and causing numerous injuries. And since the scrapes and bruises caused by accident are infectious, medical attention, including antibiotics is frequently required.

Would You Get No-Fault Insurance in an NYC Motorcycle Accident?

No-fault protection is provided in New York whenever an accident involving an automobile happens within New York. However, this does not apply to motorcyclist or anyone on a motorcycle, even if the motorcycle was in an accident with a car. To cover these healthcare expenditures, you will need Medicaid, Medicare, or other private insurance.

On the other hand, if a rider or one of the passengers gets harmed on a motorcycle, they don’t have to meet New York’s severe injury standard to compensation for pain and suffering. This means they don’t have to meet the standards of Insurance Law 5102(d). That is a good thing because Insurance law 5102(d) is very strict on who can recover money for an accident.

Even if the damages or injuries are not that much, the person at-fault is always held liable. Although if your injuries are modest, the at-fault party’s insurance provider is bound to compensate you. Remember a skilled accident lawyer, not you are best to say who is at fault.

How Can You Deal with Medical Bills and Cost Following a Motorcycle Accident?

Since there isn’tNo-Fault health insurance” coverage following a motorcycle accident, an injured rider would have to rely on their medical insurance except if they acquired additional personal injury protection (PIP) from their motorcycle insurance company.

This is strongly advised in all cases since hospital expenses can be heavy burden on you financially if you don’t have insurance. Without insurance, an accident lawyer can help you obtain medical treatment by helping secure medical liens, or a letter of protection.

The disadvantage of not having health insurance upfront would be reduced because a motorcyclist can sue the at-fault person for all their medical expenditures. You are entitled to compensation for lost wages and diminished earning ability as an outcome of the motorcycle accident. Everything should be included in the insurance pay-out.

A skilled NYC motorcycle attorney will explain all your options thoroughly and offer their expertise. There would be no upfront money need because lawyer will likely use a contingency fee arrangement. Meaning lawyer doesn’t get paid unless you recover money.

Following a motorcycle accident, a lawyer that deals with New York Motorcycle Accident will help that their clients receive medical care and help them get compensated through the at fault persons car insurance. This can be done through a settlement or a jury trial.

Who Would Be Financially Responsible for Motorcycle Accident Injuries?

Most motorcycle accidents occur because of a distracted or careless driver. In such cases, the at-fault driver may be held legally liable. Nevertheless, we all understand that New York City roadways are challenging to navigate. Other parties which might be held financially accountable include:

  • A government agency
  • The manufacturer of the faulty motorbike
  • The property obstructing the roadway
  • Truck drivers
  • Bus drivers
  • The NYC transportation authorities

An insurance provider must pay your actual compensatory damages. When you’re recovering from your injuries dealing with insurance companies should not be an additional source of stress, that is the attorney’s job. When dealing with influential organizations and agencies in car incidents, your lawyers handle all the hassle.

How Can Motorcyclists Get Healthcare Bill Coverage?

Due to the unavailability of additional protection which other mode of transport typically offer to a driver, riding a motorbike is fundamentally riskier. As a result, motorcyclists are usually permitted to claim losses and expenses on far less serious accidents than those sustained by a car or truck driver.

Consult an Experienced Motorcycle Accident Attorney!

Vincent C. Loiodice is a New York Motorcycle Injury Attorney and is delighted to provide you with free no obligation consultation. We believe that our firm offers high-quality legal representation following a severe motorcycle crash. From beginning to end, we will be at your side to assist you in every step of your recovery.

If you’ve suffered a significant injury in a Motorcycle Crash in NY, we recommend that you shouldn’t wait until you’re fully recovered to consult with an attorney. Our firm offers a free service were a lawyer or office representative will come to you at your home, the hospital, or anywhere you would like to meet. The consultation is completely free, so don’t be reluctant to get in touch with us right away!